Tokyo, Japan, United Nations, General MacArthur, war crimes, WW2
Until comparatively recently (see, eg., The Other Nuremberg by Arnold C. Brackman, 1987) there has been little written in western countries concerning the International Military Tribunal for the Far East - the Tokyo Tribunal - when compared with its "sister" Tribunal at Nuremberg. The compilation of Principles drawn up by the United Nations is known as the Nuremberg Principles regardless of the fact that the same principles were applied in Tokyo. In 1983, to coincide with the first Japanese showing of the film The Tokyo Trial premiered in New York two years later, an International Symposium on the Trial was held in Tokyo. Papers were presented from four perspectives - international law, history, the contribution to the quest for peace, and the trial's contemporary significance. The present volume reproduces the texts of the papers delivered at that Symposium, and though most of the participants were Japanese an attempt was made to preserve a measure of objectivity and balance.
Recommended Citation
L C. Green, "The Tokyo War Crimes Trial" (1989) 12:1 Dal LJ 190.