Energy Supplies Emergency Act, national emergency, economic stability
The Energy Supplies Emergency Act passed on January 11, 1974 does not have a preamble. However, it would seem that the long title of the Act incorporates in resum6 fashion what a preamble would normally contain. The raison d'tre of the Act is set out in the title which is as follows: "An Act to provide a means to conserve the supplies of petroleum products within Canada during periods of national emergency caused by shortages or market disturbances affecting the national security and welfare and the economic stability of Canada. . ." The Act was adopted after the 1973 Yom Kippur War when there was a threat of a fuel oil and gasoline shortage. However, no significant shortage has materialized as yet.
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Recommended Citation
Herbert Marx, “The Energy Crisis and the Emergency Power in Canada”, Note, (1975-1976) 2:2 DLJ 446.