Quebec jurists, decry, absence of recognition, Quebec colleagues, judges, practitioners, academics, common law, provinces of Canada
Quebec jurists are sometimes want to decry, and justifiably so, the absence of recognition accorded the works of their Quebec colleagues by judges, practitioners and academics in the common law provinces of Canada.' In the field of criminal law this situation exists, even though one might have thought that practical pressures to present the latest argument on a general criminal defence or some aspect of criminal procedure would drive English speaking lawyers across linguistic barriers in search of solutions. Irene Lagarde's Droit pdnal canadien2 was the standard reference source for the francophone practitioner of Canadian criminal law for years, but went virtually unnoticed and uncited by courts outside Quebec even though it was in many respects superior to similar annotated criminal codes in daily use elsewhere in Canada.
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Recommended Citation
Bruce P. Archibald, “On Criminal Procedure”, Book Review of On Criminal Procedure by Pierre Beliveau, Jacques Bellemare & Jean-Pierre Lussier, Translated by Josef Muskatel; “Principes de droitpenal giniral”, Book Review of Principes de droitpenal giniral by Gisele Cet-Harper & Antoine Manganas; “Traitj de droit pinal gdnral”, Book Review of Traitj de droit pinal gdnral by Jacques Fortin & Louise Viau, (1984) 8:1 DLJ 248.