Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies


Rebekah Powell


Throughout the history of the theatre there have been various interpretations of dramatic work that, arguably, have not followed the original vision of the playwright. Do modem Canadian playwrights have a better chance of controlling the production of their plays? The original copyright for a play belongs to the playwright who may sell or assign it. In addition, the playwright has moral rights to the play, which are inalienable but may be waived. The essence of these rights is the ability to protect one's work from being altered, distorted or presented as the work of another. Here, the various legal issues surrounding the performance in Canada are addressed. While Canadian playwrights have legal protection for their moral rights, they rarely assert these rights in a court of law. Canadian playwrights may find informal methods more useful in settling disputes over the interpretation of their work due to factors such as cost of litigation, difficulty in establishing a breach, and the need to have plays performed.
