e-commerce, book reviews
The juncture of “law and technology” from a legal education point of view is an interesting one. Successfully engaging with law and technology requires stu- dents (of all ages and stripes) to absorb at least some of the substance of many discrete areas of law, as well as to assess how technology creates nexuses between them and challenges some of their underlying notions. As electronic commerce increasingly becomes the bread and butter of many law practices, this need comes into sharper relief — one has to grasp a large variety of fundamentals and simultaneously generate some insight as to where technology is pushing them. Diving into this pool as a student can be daunting. In the latest edition of Legal Issues in Electronic Commerce, Professor R.L. Campbell of Carleton University’s Law and Le- gal Studies Department has continued a successful effort at easing this transition.
It is important at the outset to accurately describe this text, which is part of the “Canadian Legal Studies Series” of books published by Captus Press. That series, as described in the publishing blurb on the back of this book, provides texts that contain “articles, cases and analyses that are suitable for legal studies, law and society programs, or related courses in other disciplines.” Accordingly, this book is not a resource for e-commerce practitioners, nor is it designed for teaching an e-com- merce or law and technology course in a law faculty. Rather, it is geared towards undergraduate legal studies programs and, as might be expected, it operates at a slightly more basic level.
Recommended Citation
Robert J. Currie, "Book Review: R.L. Campbell, Legal Issues in Electronic Commerce" (2012) 10:1 CJLT.
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