Social media, Class action notice, Digitized class action
New technologies, social networking sites, blogs, and other interactive online platforms are playing an increasing part of North Americans’ lives. As of June 2017, Facebook had, on average, 1.32 billion daily active users and 2.01 billion monthly active users. Generation X spends the most time on social media, with approximately seven hours per week, while Generation Y comes in second, spending a little more than six hours per week doing the same. The heaviest users are female, who spend one quarter of their time online on social media,with males correspondingly spending 19% of their time doing so. Data on average weekly reach rates teaches us and marketers about the different types of consumers and how they may be reached in different ways, including in the class action context. If asked how best to reach class members by way of notice, Siri would certainly answer ‘‘The coming revolution in class action notice will be digitized.” I will argue here that Siri is correct in saying so. The future holds in technologies and digital media in class actions too.
Recommended Citation
Catherine Piché Dr, "The Coming Revolution in Class Action Notices: Reaching the Universe of Claimants through Technologies" (2016) 16:2 CJLT 227.