Feminist Perspective, Privacy Regulation, women's privacy, drone privacy
No technology emerges in a social or legal vacuum. The laws and norms guiding acceptable uses of new technologies help to shape the ways in which these technologies benefit or disadvantage different individuals and communities. Recently, the impact of drones on women’s privacy has garnered sensational attention in media and popular discussion. Media headlines splash stories from drones spying on sunbathing or naked women and girls, to drones being used to stalk women through public spaces, to drones delivering abortion pills to women who might otherwise lack access. Yet despite this popular attention, and the immense literature that has emerged analyzing theprivacy implications of drone technology, the ways in which the drone might enhance or undermine women’s privacy in particular have not yet been the subject of significant academic analysis.
Recommended Citation
Kristen MJ Thomasen, "Beyond Airspace Safety: A Feminist Perspective on Drone Privacy Regulation" (2016) 16:2 CJLT 307.
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Law and Gender Commons, Law and Society Commons, Privacy Law Commons, Science and Technology Law Commons