technology-facilitated gender-based violence, TFGBV, Feminist Legal Studies, intersectional, structural socio-political issue
This introductory article proceeds in three parts. First, it discusses the origins of this special issue as part of a multi-event, SSHRC-funded conference that focused on pushing beyond a narrow conception of TFGBV; rather than approaching TFGBV as solely an issue of interpersonal behaviours, the animating objective of the conference was to examine the structural, systemic, and design factors that contribute to TFGBV. Second, it explores the importance and promise of reframing TFGBV in this way through intersectional and structural lenses. Third, it briefly highlights some of the key insights from each of the contributions in this special issue. It begins with the theoretically grounded social science insights of Rajani and Gosse focused, respectively, on racialized women’s experiences with TFGBV and on the culture of responsibilization of TFGBV targets. It then shifts to Turnbull’s analysis of corporate responsibility and potential legal liability for ecosystemic factors that contribute to TFGBV. Next, it looks at the legal analyses offered by Stevens and Sali, first on non- consensual disclosure of intimate images (NDII) through the lens of Quebec personality rights, and then on the challenges of addressing NDII through copyright law. Finally, it turns to the contribution of Dunn and Aikenhead, which considers the contested authorship of digital evidence in common law TFGBV cases.
Recommended Citation
Jane Bailey, Carys Craig, Suzie Dunn, and Sonia Lawrence, "Reframing Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at the Intersections of Law & Society" (2022) 19:2 CJLT 209.
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