Privacy law, book review
To help lawyers advise their clients on their rights and obligations in this complex and novel field, the various legal publishers have offered an array of guides and textbooks analyzing the law of privacy. Thomson/Carswell turned for its book to the national law firm of McCarthy Tétrault. Three McCarthy lawyers (Barbara McIsaac, Rick Shields, and Kris Klein) are listed as authors of The Law of Privacy in Canada, and several others have contributed significant parts of the text, and they have done a creditable job in pulling it all together. It seems to be the only thorough and up-to-date analysis of privacy rules for both the public and the private sector in Canada.
Recommended Citation
John D. Gregory, "The Law of Privacy in Canada (Student Edition) by Barbara A. McIsaac, Rick Shields, Kris Klein (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2004)" (2004) 3:3 CJLT.
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