life sciences, intellectual property rights
Our so-called post-industrial society is one whose axial feature is the interac- tion between computer-driven digital and life science-driven bio-technologies. The primary legal mechanism that undergirds the allocation of rights in this new infor- mation-centred epoch is intellectual property. Perhaps only a few industrial sectors have benefitted more from the dynamics of that interaction than the pharmaceutical industry. Perhaps also, only a few industrial sectors have fully appreciated and opti- mally exploited the power of intellectual property than that sector. How did that happen? How has it continued to unfold, and what does the future hold for the continued co-evolution of life sciences, business and intellectual property regimes, especially patents? Find out, if you are inclined to, for whatever reason, by picking up a copy of this fascinating book.
Recommended Citation
Chidi Oguamanam, "Book Review - Intellectual Property Rights and the Life Science Industries: Past, Present, and Future" (2010) 8:1 CJLT.
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Computer Law Commons, Intellectual Property Law Commons, Internet Law Commons, Privacy Law Commons, Science and Technology Law Commons