The Legal Guide for Canadian Churches
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Required reading for every Canadian pastor, church administrator, and parish council member. Wrongful dismissal, potential liability for the actions of employees or volunteers, a parishioner slipping on icy church steps... these are just some of the legal issues that should be of concern to every Christian church and parish community in Canada. Recognizing that most people working in the church need guidance when confronting church-related legal issues, lawyers (and long-term church members) David Blaikie and Diana Ginn have assembled a comprehensive legal overview, coupled with practical advice, that will be required reading for every Canadian pastor, church administrator, and parish council member. This handy reference book begins with a general overview of the way the law works and then takes readers, step by step, through all the legal implications of the daily operation of a church and parish community. Blaikie and Ginn then explain different areas of the law, including administrative law, property law, employment, civil liability, and copyright law. In addition to addressing culpability and risk reduction, the authors deal with those aspects of government regulation and criminal law that can have an impact on the daily life of a church community.
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church management, law and legislation, clergy legal status
Law and Society | Religion Law
Recommended Citation
David Blaikie & Diana Ginn, The Legal Guide for Canadian Churches, (Novalis: Ottawa, 2007).