Land & Property in Canada's Political Economy
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- This digital casebook is fully open-access and open source, available online to freely access, use, copy remix and redistribute.
- Consistent with the open online format, the casebook is designed to be adaptive and under continuous development.
- After teaching from the casebook for the first time in 2021-22, I hired a full-time research assistant this summer (supported by the Class of 1967 Teaching Excellence Award) to continue developing both the content and supporting technology for the casebook. That work has led to substantial revisions to the initial version, including a dedicated framework for “teaching property from an anti-colonial perspective”.
- On the technological side, a significant part of this research project has been the development of a platform for building and publishing the casebook (and other legal casebooks) that allows for collaborative authorship and content sharing.
- Our advances on this portion of the project are described in the article "Exit, Voice and Disloyalty in Open Casebooks."
Publication Date
Property Law, Common Law, Possession, Exclusion, Treaties, Land Use Control, Right to Shelter, Restrictive Covenants, Qualified Interests, Reserve Land, Aboriginal Title
Common Law | Indigenous, Indian, and Aboriginal Law | Land Use Law | Law | Property Law and Real Estate
Recommended Citation
Jamie Baxter, Land & Property in Canada's Political Economy, 2nd ed (Halifax: opensourcelaw.ca, 2022).