International Law: Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada, 8th Edition
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International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada, 8th Edition emphasizes the experience and practice of international law from a Canadian perspective both domestically and in foreign relations. A publication of long-standing quality and distinguished reputation, this seminal text has been repeatedly cited as an authority in the Supreme Court of Canada and lower courts for decades. It delivers a comprehensive overview of the foundational concepts, principles, sources, and institutions of the international legal system, and examines specific subject areas of importance in the world today.
The eighth edition of International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada has been completely reorganized, largely rewritten, and streamlined to offer a more accessible presentation of the subject matter. A new chapter has been added to address humanitarian law and the regulation of armed conflict to protect civilians. All aspects of international law covered in the previous edition have been incorporated, and updated with extracts and discussion of recent treaty developments, case law, and United Nations actions.
In this edition, authors’ notes and questions are presented separately, enabling readers to follow the commentary on the primary legal sources before engaging in a deeper analysis of the issues and themes involved. The text is supported by an online index, and the accompanying ebook contains direct links to online sources for all of the treaties and case reports referenced throughout the book. This is the only publication that can offer its reader the guidance and legal sources required to develop a solid and multifaceted understanding of international law from a Canadian perspective.
Publication Date
Emond Montgomery Publications
Canada, Legal Interpretation, International Treaties, United Nations, Supreme Court of Canada
Comparative and Foreign Law | International Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Hugh M Kindred et al, eds, International Law, Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2014).