Akinwumi Olawuyi Ogunranti
I obtained my LLB degree at the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2013. I obtained my LLM degree at Schulich School of Law in 2017 with a specialization in International Litigation.
My forthcoming Ph.D. is entitled "Voices from Below—Norm Development and Diffusion of The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights from a Third World (African) Perspective".
My research interests are Business and Human Rights, Arbitration, Investment Law, Private International law, and Transnational dispute resolution. I particularly examine how these areas of law synergistically enhance access to justice for victims of human rights abuse in developing countries, especially Africa.
I hope to teach law and contribute to transnational dispute resolution practice by providing mentorship to students in mock trials and presentations at various international conferences and tribunals.
I chose Schulich because of the quality of support from the academic and non-academic members. At Schulich, everyone is rooting for your success. Therefore, I do not have a supervisor-student relationship, but a mentor-mentee relationship with my supervisor and other faculty members. Having obtained my LLM degree at Schulich School of Law in 2017, I knew there is nowhere else I ought to be for my Ph.D. program. The support I enjoyed in my LLM program is a major catalyst for continuing my Ph.D. journey at Schulich School of Law.
Publication Date
international dispute resolution, access to justice and business
Business Organizations Law | Dispute Resolution and Arbitration | Human Rights Law | International Law
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Recent Presentations:
"Is Arbitration and Human Rights Oil and Water?” Abstract presented at the Commercial Law Research Network Nigeria Inaugural Conference, University of Reading, United Kingdom—13 & 14 September 2019.
“Between the Devil and the Blue Sea—Towards Access to Justice for Local Communities in Investor-state Arbitration and Business and Human Rights Arbitration” paper presented at the Purdy Crawford Workshop: “The Role of Business Regulation in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goal” Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Canada—26 & 27 September 2019.
“Is Business and Human Rights Arbitration Worth the Trouble?—Towards Access to Justice for Local Communities in Investor-state Arbitration” paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on Business and Human Rights Jointly organized by the BHR Rights Initiative, IABS and the ESIL Interest Group on Business and Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland—23 & 24 November 2019
“An Afrocentric Approach to the United Nations Guiding Principles’ Corporate Responsibility to Respect” Paper presented at the 5th Business and Human Rights Young Researchers Summit, Geneva, Switzerland: April 2 – 3, 2020 (online).
Recent Publications:
“The Hague Principles – A New Dawn for Developing Countries?” (2017) 35:4 Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (Netherlands Journal of Private International Law, NIPR).
“Separating the Wheat from the Chaff—The Role of Separability in Delimiting Public Policy’s influence on Arbitrability of Disputes in Africa” (2019) 10:1 The Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 104.
Sara L Seck & Akinwumi Ogunranti, “Accountability – Legal Risk, Remedies and Damages” in Rae Lindsay & Roger Martella, eds, Corporate Social Responsibility – The Corporate Governance of the 21st Century (Kluwer Law International, 2020)
“Access to Justice for Local Communities in Investor-state Arbitration” (Blog) (6 December 2019), online: https://blogs.dal.ca/dlj/2019/12/06/access-to-justice-for-local-communities-in-investor-state-arbitration/.