Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Union Grievance, Contracting Out, National, Collective Agreement, Postal Services Continuation Act, Constructive Consultation, Franchise


Union Grievance alleging improper contracting out. Grievance allowed.

National union grievance alleging violation of art. 39.08 of the collective agreement between the parties for the Postal Opera­tions Group (Non-Supervisory): Internal Mail Processing and Complementary Postal Services, signed April 2, 1985, and bearing the expiration date September 30, 1986, maintained in force and effect by the Postal Services Continuation Act, 1987, S. C. 1987, c. 40, Bill C-86, in that the employer opened a franchised dealership without holding constructive consultation with the union. The union requested an order that the employer be directed to discontinue the offering of new services through the franchise in question until constructive consultation has been held.
