Re Canada Post Corp and PSAC

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Employee Grievances, Collective Agreement, Training, Technological Change, Insufficient Notice


Employee grievances alleging that the Employer breached Articles 8 and 45 of the Collective Agreement between the parties bearing the expiry date December 31, 1986, which the parties agreed applies to this matter. The Union requests a declaration that the Employer failed to abide the requirements of Article 8 and Article 45, that the Employer be ordered to review the situation at the date of this award and to provide adequate and sufficient training where necessary and that I remain seized of this matter to deal with any dispute over whether any such order is being complied with. At the outset of the hearing the parties agreed that I am properly seized of these grievances, that I should remain seized after the release of this award to deal with any issues which might arise out of its application and that any time limits, either pre- or post-hearing, are waived.


Case summary available at the Sir James Dunn Library via Canadian Labour Arbitration Summaries. Full text available online at WestlawEdge Canada (subscription required).
