"Legal Writing and Research Manual" by John A. Yogis, Innis Christie et al.

Legal Writing and Research Manual

Document Type


Publication Date



Manual, Teaching, Instruction, First Year, Tools, Fourth Edition, Guide, Memorandum, Computerized


The fourth edition of this manual preserves the basic goal of the first edition which was to assist first-year law students to become familiar with the research tools available to lawyers. It also provides basic information on the use of these tools. Much of the material in the third edition has been updated. In addition, there has been an expansion of material, much of it reflecting the proliferation of new legal publications in recent years. The former chapter on "Primary Legal Materials" has undergone important changes in an effort to demonstrate the diversity in the methods of publication and citation of primary legal materials in Canada and the United Kingdom. The former chapter on "Secondary Legal Materials" has been revised to reflect substantial changes to traditional sources including the Canadian Abridgment, Second Edition. The text is organized to simplify the students' entry into all major Canadian and English abridgments, encyclopedias and digest services. The former chapter on "Suggestions for Legal Research and Writing" has been modified greatly and now includes a step by step guide to basic legal research and a sample memorandum of law. The former chapter on "Computerized Legal Research' has been revised to update programs such as QUICKLAW and to include new programs such as CanCite which add a new dimension to finding the law and retrieving cases.
