Re Canada Post Corp and CUPW (Doyle)

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Part-Time, Injury, Leave, Top-Up, Compensation, Pre-Injury


The Grievor was a part-time employee. Before taking injury-on-duty leave, she worked an average of 6.2 hours per day. As part of the Workers' Compensation Board's Ease Back to Work program, she returned to work on limited hours, which gradually increased to four hours per day. At this point, the Employer ceased to "top up" her salary to its pre-injury level. The Employer's position is that when the Grievor's hours reached four per day, she was at the regular hours of work for a part-time employee, and was no longer entitled to compensation. The Union's position is that the Grievor is entitled to have her salary topped up until she has returned to her full pre-injury complement of hours.


Summary available only on CanLii. Full text available online at Lexis+ (subscription required).
