"Re Canada Post Corp and CUPW (Diamond)" by Innis Christie

Re Canada Post Corp and CUPW (Diamond)

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Day Off, Compensation, Consultation, Consent, Schedule, Holiday


The Grievor's Rest Day Off (R.D.O.) was moved from the Tuesday following a three-day weekend to the Thursday of that week. The Union claims that this was an improper change since the Grievor was entitled to have her R.D.O. on Tuesday. The Union requests eight hours of compensation for the Grievor's having been forced to work on her R.D.O. The Employer's position is that because the change followed consultation (though not consent) with the Union, and was only a temporary change, the change was not improper. A proper change having been made, the Grievor's R.D.O. did not coincide with the holiday, and the Grievor was not entitled to compensation for having worked on her R.D.O.


Summary available only on CanLii. Full text available online at Lexis+ (subscription required).
