
Innis Christie

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Supplementary, School Boards, Salary, Public Sector Compensation, Judicial Review, Appeal


Supplementary award with respect to a Union grievance dated April 23, 1998, alleging breach Article 43.01 and Schedules D1, D2, D3 and D4 of the Collective Agreement between the Minister and the Union made February 3, 1998 for the term November 1, 1997-October 31, 1999 in that all school boards in Nova Scotia have refused to pay at the salary levels set out in the Schedules following the end of the effect of the Public Sector Compensation (1994-97) Act on October 31, 1997. The parties agreed that the Halifax Regional School Board would be used as an example in this arbitration and that my award would determine the obligations of all school boards in Nova Scotia. My award was dated June 10, 1999. The Minister unsuccessfully sought judicial review in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Trial Division and the Appeal Division. After considering the judgement of the Appeal Division, rendered in May 2000 the parties appeared before me, on July 11, 2000, to deal with issues arising in the application of the Award. They subsequently submitted written materials.
