Document Type
Arbitration Decision
Publication Date
Consent, Award, Posting, Full-Time, Warehouse, Warehouseman, Non-Overlapping
This is a consent award. The parties are agreed that the Employer breached the Agreement by not posting full-time jobs in the warehouse.
The Employer agrees to post seven (7) full-time warehouseman positions, and two (2) conditional warehouseman positions on or before December 14, 2001. The Union waives any right to claim entitlement to further warehouseman postings over the review periods spanning 1998 through 2001. The parties agree to make their best efforts to resolve issues in upcoming bargaining negotiations. Failing agreement on the meaning of the term "non-overlapping hours", either party may grieve its interpretation.
Recommended Citation
Re Nova Scotia Liquor Corp and NSGEU, Local 470 (2002), [2002] NSLAA No 2, 2002 CanLII 76977 (NSLA) (Arbitrator: Innis Christie).