Document Type
Arbitration Decision
Publication Date
Dismissal, Criminal, Conviction, Consent, Reinstatement, Leave, Absence, Trial
The Grievor alleged that the Employer breached the Collective Agreement when it dismissed him after a criminal conviction. The parties requested a "bottom-line decision, without reasons".
This is a consent award. The Grievor is reinstated to employment effective immediately with a Leave of Absence status. The suspension, which occurred before the discharge, is rescinded. While on Leave of Absence the Grievor will not accrue pay or other compensation, but will retain his position on the seniority list. There will be a one year trial period. During this time a number of conditions must be addressed by the Grievor. Jurisdiction is retained.
Recommended Citation
Re Air Canada and ACPA (Thain) (2007), 2007 CanLII 90664, 91 CLAS 341 (Can LA) (Arbitrator: Innis Christie).