Law in a Post-Pandemic World: A Directed Research Collective
This collection is a compilation of student work from the 2020/2021 academic year. While the world, and with it their education, was disrupted in numerous ways, students rose to the challenge and produced important work. Legal issues that required attention prior to COVID-19 were amplified. Students used this as an opportunity to address pre-existing issues at regional, national, and global levels through the lens of a pandemic.
In the words of Arundhati Roy, “Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.”*
A special thanks to the Dalhousie Law Journal for their assistance in editing, Joanna Erdman for hosting workshops to encourage thinking outside the box of traditional academic writing, and to the faculty who supervised the student authors.
Please note, these contributions have not been formally peer-reviewed.
*Arundhati Roy, “The Pandemic is a Portal”, The Financial Times (3 April 2020).
Submissions from 2021
Shadow Pandemic: COVID-19 Lockdown Brings Increased Risk of Violence for Rohingya Women and Girls, Sara Edwards
Enemy at the Gates: Online Dispute Resolution in the Time of COVID-19, Justin Monahan