"Amicus Curiae Observations on the “Prosecution’s Request for a Ruling " by Fannie Lafontaine, Robert Currie et al.

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The Amici Curiae (‘the Amici’) have been granted leave by Pre-Trial Chamber I (‘the Chamber’) to submit observations in the present proceeding, which derives from the Prosecutor’s request under art. 19(3) for a ruling on whether the Court may exercise jurisdiction over the alleged deportation of the Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh.

The Amici respectfully offer the Chamber observations on the novel legal issues raised by the Prosecutor’s Request: (II) the scope of art. 19(3) and the powers of the Prosecutor to seek a ruling on jurisdiction before a formal situation has been assigned to it; (III) the scope of territorial jurisdiction under art. 12(2)(a); and (IV) the scope of the crime of deportation under art. 7(1)(d).


Professor Currie co-drafted this document with Fannie Lafontaine and Amanda Ghahremani, and was also a signatory.
