Proprietary Interests and Collaboration in Stem Cell Science: Avoiding Anticommons, Countering Canalyzation

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Working Paper

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In this chapter I explore how proprietary interests and commercialization norms can impede collaboration in stem cell science I begin by outlining three layers of property in stem cell science—stem cell data stem cell materials and stem cell patenting—and explain how they are intertwined in practice I then present two stem cell research initiatives the Cancer Stem Cell Consortium CSCC and Stem Cells for Safer Medicines SC4SM Using two conceptual frames the "tragedy of the anticommons" and "patent canalyzation" I analyze the extent to which the CSCC and SC4SM appear to address proprietary or commercializationrelated impediments to collaboration Whereas the anticommons frame and empirical methodologies it has spawned to date tends to capture costs imposed upon the scientific fields as a whole patent canalyzation focuses on the individual scientisthypothesizing that patenting and other commercialization behaviours may reconstitute the scientific self The chapter concludes by highlighting three intellectual propertyrelated best practices intended to facilitate collaboration in stem cell science


Research Papers, Working Papers, Conference Papers
