Home > JOURNALS > CJLT > Vol. 17 > Iss. 1 (2020)
La saisie de données situées dans le nuage en droit criminel canadienLaura Ellyson
Privacy and Connected ObjectsNicolas Karsenti
Hardship and Hard Drives: Artificial Intelligence, Judicial Decision-Making, and the Discharge of Student Loan DebtForrest Finn
Big Brother Riding Shotgun: Internal Surveillance of Semi-Autonomous Vehicles and its Effects on the Reasonable Expectation of PrivacyTunca Bolca
Moving on From the Ombuds Model for Data Protection in CanadaTeresa Scassa
Can We Trust Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Law Enforcement?Sara M. Smyth
Law and the “Sharing Economy”: Regulating Online Market Platforms by Derek McKee, Finn Makela & Teresa ScassaJohn D. Gregory
Digital Evidence: A Practitioner’s Handbook by Gerald Chan & Susan MagotiauxRobert J. Currie
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ISSN: 1702-9228