Re Canada Post Corp and CUPW (Matsell)

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Philately Department, Cash Shortages, Onus, Wicket Shortage, External Causes


Two clerks in a philately department, who had cash shortages, grieved when the amounts were deducted from their pay. In previous awards, Arbitrators held that if an employer's security system foreclosed external causes, specific acts of carelessness did not need to be proved; and that the onus was then on the employee to produce a reasonable explanation other than carelessness. The Grievors claimed that other clerks, letter carriers and drivers (one of whom had been discharged for theft), had access to the area, that they had been called away from their wicket at times due to short-staffing, and that the Supervisor had at times sold stamps during their absence. The Supervisor denied the first two points and testified that he had only sold stamps in the presence of a clerk, who double checked all amounts.


Summary available only on CanLii. Case summary available at the Sir James Dunn Library via Canadian Labour Arbitration Summaries.
