"Re Canada Post Corp and CPAA" by Innis Christie

Re Canada Post Corp and CPAA

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Union Grievance, Collective Agreement, Interview, Postmaster, Promotion, Transfer


Union grievance alleging breach of the Collective Agreement between the parties in respect of the Revenue Postal Operations Group (All employees) bearing the expiry date 1990-12-23, which the parties agreed applies here, and in particular of Articles G-6.36 and G-35.05(c). The Union requests an order that the Grievor be allowed to proceed to the interview stage of a new competition. At the outset of the hearing in this matter the parties agreed that I am properly seized of it, that I should remain seized after the issue of this award to deal with any matters arising from its application, and that all time limits, either pre- or post-hearing, are waived.


Case summary available at the Sir James Dunn Library via Canadian Labour Arbitration Summaries. Full text available online at WestlawEdge Canada (subscription required).
