"Re United Automobile Workers, Local 195, and Bendix Automotive of Cana" by Innis Christie

Re United Automobile Workers, Local 195, and Bendix Automotive of Canada Ltd

Document Type

Arbitration Decision

Publication Date



Union Grievance, Health Insurance Benefits, Ontario Health Services Insurance Plan, Collective Agreement, Coverage, Reimbursement


The union grieved that the employer was obligated to compensate its employees for doctors' charges over the upper limit of 90% of the 0ntario Medical Association schedule established by the Ontario Health Services Insurance Plan ("OHSIP"). The collective agreement provided that in the event of a plan such as OHSIP coming into force, the employer would integrate the plan with the existing coverages provided in the agreement so as to prevent duplication of benefits, and eliminate unnecessary costs. However, as a result of such integration, employees would not receive fewer benefits than currently provided for under the collective agreement.


Available in print at the Sir James Dunn Law Library. Available online at WestlawEdge Canada and Lexis+ (subscriptions required).

Arbitration award quashed in Re Bendix Automotive of Canada Ltd and United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 195, [1971] 3 OR 263, 1971 CanLII 637 (Ont HCJ).
