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This extended bibliography is designed to support comparative tax law study by students, policy-makers, and tax practitioners. Studying comparative tax law is pure joy. And in addition to that, it enables you to:

  • more deeply understand your own tax system and context;
  • learn about another country’s system and context;
  • draw general conclusions about tax law;
  • press for or support tax law change;
  • facilitate tax law harmonization or coordination among jurisdictions;
  • delve into the role of tax in the spread of higher-order values like fairness, equality, transparency, or privacy;
  • explain why a country’s tax laws are the way they are; and
  • better appreciate the social, economic, and political realities of other jurisdictions.

Publication Date



Halifax, Nova Scotia


Comparative Tax Law, Guide, Bibliography, Tax Law, Jurisdiction, International, Tax Systems, Context, Change, Coordination, Harmonization


International Law | Law and Economics | Law and Politics | Legal Education | Public Law and Legal Theory | Taxation-Federal | Taxation-State and Local | Taxation-Transnational | Tax Law

Comparative Tax Law Guide