Elisabeth Mann Borgese: Ecology, Relationality, and Law of the Sea
Document Type
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International Law, Women in Law, Gender Non-Conforming Persons in Law, Biographies
Current histories seem to suggest that men alone have been capable of the development of ideas, analysis, and practice of international law until the 1990s. Is this the case? Or have others been erased from the collective images of this history, including the portrait gallery of notables in international law?
Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces? investigates the slow and late inclusion of women in the spheres of knowledge and power in international law. The forty-two textual and visual representations by a diverse team of passionate portraitists represent women and gender non-conforming people in international law from the fourteenth century onwards around the world: individuals and groups who imagined, developed, or contested international law; who earned their living in its institutions; or who, even indirectly, may have changed its course.
This rich volume calls for a critical identification of the formal and informal institutional practices, norms, and rituals of (white) masculinities, both in the past and in the research of international law today. By abandoning reductive histories, their biased frames, and tacit assumptions, this work brings previously unseen glimpses of international law and its agents, ideas, causes, behaviour, norms, and social practices into the spotlight.
Recommended Citation
Sara L Seck, "Elisabeth Mann Borgese: Ecology, Relationality, and Law of the Sea" in Immi Tallgren, ed, Portraits of Women in International Law: New Names and Forgotten Faces? (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023) 369.