Submissions from 2025
The Canada Health Act and Medicare Services for Indigenous Peoples, Constance MacIntosh
Crown Attorneys, the Attorney General, and Judicial Discipline: A Comment on Lauzon v Ontario (Justices of the Peace Review Council), Andrew Flavelle Martin
Crown Prosecutors and Government Lawyers: A Legal Ethics Analysis of Under-Funding, Andrew Flavelle Martin
Lawyers and Public Service: Duty, Faith, and the 'Good Republican' in The West Wing, Andrew Flavelle Martin
Legal Ethics for Government Lawyers: Lessons from Nunavut, Andrew Flavelle Martin
Role Call: Can a Backbench Legislator Practice as a Criminal Defence Lawyer? A Legal Ethics Analysis, Andrew Flavelle Martin and Brandon Trask
Submissions from 2024
Legal Hurdles and Pathways: The Evolution (Progress?) of Climate Change Adjudication in Canada, Camille Cameron, Riley Weyman, and Claire Nicholson
International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (Overview), Robert Currie
Canada, Robert Currie and Adelina Iftene
When (and Where) is a Crime a Crime? “Double Criminality” as a Principle of Fundamental Justice, Robert J. Currie
Judicial Discipline through the Prism of Public Law Values: A Contextual Analysis of Bill C-9, An Act to Reform the Judges Act, Richard Devlin and Sheila Wildeman
Judicial Discipline through the Prism of Public Law Values: A Critical Analysis of Bill C-9, An Act to Reform the Judges Act, Richard Devlin and Sheila Wildeman
Aducanumab, Accelerated Approvals & the Agency: Why the FDA Needs Structural Reform, Matthew Herder
Mind the Gap: Toussaint and the Reception of International Human Rights Law in Canada, Karinne Lantz
Show and Tell, Liam McHugh-Russell
Inescapable Skills: Testing Legal Research Skills in an Escape Room, David H. Michels and Hannah Rosborough
International Source Code Secrecy and the Characterization of Intellectual Property as National Security, Anthony D. Rosborough
Why Nothing Works With Anything Else, Anthony D. Rosborough
Music Borrowing and Copyright Law: A Genre-by-Genre Analysis, Hannah Rosborough
Finding the Intangible: Contested Cityscapes, Inclusive Cultural Heritage Determinations, Balancing Stakeholder Interests… Is Urban Property Law Up to the Challenge?, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
The Mysterious Case of the Attacks Against the Halifax Public Gardens: The Enclosure of "Common" Property, Public Access to Nature, and Sustainability in the City, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
Submissions from 2023
Exploring the Role of Mandatory Mediation in Civil Justice, Nayha Acharya
Philosophical Counselling and Mediation Theory and Practice: Exploring a Pathway to Justice, Nayha Acharya
Race & International Investment Law: On the Possibility of Reform and Non-Retrenchment, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe
International Investment Law and Climate Justice: The Search for a Just Green Investment Order, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe and Adebayo Majekolagbe
Debt-for-Climate Swaps and Illicit Financial Flows: A Call for Caution in Designing Climate Finance Infrastructures, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe and Morris K. Odeh
Exit, Voice and Disloyalty in Open Casebooks, Jamie Baxter and Elyse Loewen
'More of the Same, But Worse Than Before': A Qualitative Study of the Challenges Encountered by People Who Use Drugs in Nova Scotia, Canada During COVID-19, Emilie Comeau, Matthew Bonn, Sheila Wildeman, and Matthew Herder
Is Silence Golden? The Role of Silence in the Admissibility of Adoptive Admissions, Robert Currie
Abortion At-Home and At-Law During a Pandemic, Joanna Erdman
The Reproductive Subject: The Reproductive Subject and the Embodied State of International Human Rights Law, Joanna Erdman
Gender Equality in Health Care: Reenvisioning CEDAW General Recommendation 24, Joanna Erdman and Mariana Prandini Assis
Twenty Years After Krieger v Law Society of Alberta: Law Society Discipline of Crown Prosecutors and Government Lawyers, Andrew Flavelle Martin
‘A Most Equitable Drug’: How the Clinical Studies of Convalescent Plasma as a Treatment for SARS-CoV-2 Might Usefully Inform Post-Pandemic Public Sector Approaches to Drug Development, Quinn Grundy, Chantal Campbell, Ridwaanah Ali, Matthew Herder, and Kelly Holloway
Sustainable Seabed Mining and the Phase 1 Environmental Standards and Guidelines, Keith MacMaster
Can a Tribunal’s Former Counsel Appear Before the Tribunal? A Comment on Certain Container Chassis, Andrew Martin
Can a Tribunal’s Former Counsel Appear Before the Tribunal? A Comment on Certain Container Chassis, Andrew Martin
Loyalty, Conscience, and Withdrawal: Are Government Lawyers Different?, Andrew Martin
The Lawyer’s Professional Duty to Encourage Respect for—And to Improve—the Administration of Justice: Lessons from Failures by Attorneys General, Andrew Flavelle Martin
After 'Subsistence Work': Labour Commodification and Social Justice in the Household Workplace, Liam McHugh-Russell
Five Linguistic Methods for Revitalizing Indigenous Laws, Naiomi Walqwan Metallic
Reconciliation or Apiksitaultimik? Indigenous Relationality for Conservation, Sherry Pictou
Toward a Canadian Right to Repair: Opportunities and Challenges, Anthony D. Rosborough
The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 169: Alissa Centivany and Anthony Rosborough on Repairing Canada’s Right to Repair, Anthony D. Rosborough and Alissa Centivany
Repair As Research: How Copyright Impedes Learning About Devices, Anthony D. Rosborough and Aaron Perzanowski
Achieving a (Copy)Right to Repair for the EU’s Green Economy, Anthony D. Rosborough, Leanne Wiseman, and Taina Pihlajarinne
Noise, Displacement, and Justice in Designing Urban Law and Policy for the Night, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
“Vancouver’s Favourite Country Music Pub,” Single Room Occupancy Hotels, and the Context of International Frameworks: Mapping Vancouver’s Urban Law and Cultural Policy, Sara Gwendolyn Ross
Elisabeth Mann Borgese: Ecology, Relationality, and Law of the Sea, Sara L. Seck