Integrating Climate Change Mitigation into the Impact Assessment Act

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Impact Assessment, Climate Change, GHG Emissions, Mitigation


This chapter considers how to effectively integrate the consideration of GHG emissions of proposed projects and other undertakings into the new federal impact assessment process in Canada. The focus of the chapter is on the consideration of the impacts of a proposed project on GHG emissions and carbon sinks at five critical stages of IA: triggering, information gathering, analysis, the project decision, and post-approval follow-up. For each, the treatment of climate mitigation in each project IA stage under the IAA is first considered. This is followed with recommendations on how the effectiveness of efforts to integrate climate mitigation into the process can be improved through implementation, including ultimately through the development of a combination of regulations, policies, and guidance in line with the framework, principles, and issues explored.
