Submissions from 2014
Achieving National Altruistic Self-Sufficiency in Human Eggs for Third-Party Reproduction in Canada, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
Fake It Till You Make it: Policymaking and Assisted Human Reproduction in Canada, Jocelyn Downie, Francoise Baylis, and Dave Snow
Of Mitochondria and Men: Why Brain Death is Not the Death of the Human 'Organism as a Whole', Jacquelyn Shaw
Submissions from 2013
Understanding 'Elder Abuse and Neglect': A Critique of Assumptions Underpinning Responses to the Mistreatment and Neglect of Older People, Marie Beaulieu, Madine Vanderplaat, Steve Coughlan, Jeff Karabanow, Ezra Wexler, Joan Harbison, and Sheila M. M. Wildeman
Putting the Train of Environmental Governance Back on Track: Nova Scotia's Experiment in Using Legislation to Strengthen Environmental Governance, Meinhard Doelle and William Lahey
Ethics Education for Canadian Medical Students, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
Professional Recommendations: Disclosing Facts and Values, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
Transnational Trade in Human Eggs: Law, Policy, and (In)Action in Canada, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
Unfinished Business: Ongoing Ethical Exceptionalism in the Oversight of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research in Canada, Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis
A Constitutional Defence of the Federal Ban on Human Cloning for Research Purposes, Jocelyn Downie, Francoise Baylis, and Jennifer Llewellyn
Reflections on the Commercialization of Research Conducted in Public Institutions in Canada, Jocelyn Downie and Matthew Herder
Ill-Informed Consent? A Content Analysis of Physical Risk Disclosure in School-Based HPV Vaccine Programs, Jocelyn Downie, Noni MacDonald, Francoise Baylis, Audrey Steenbeek, and Mary Appleton
The Ethics of Water Fluoridation, Jocelyn Downie and Mary McNally
Inadmissible, Eh?, Jocelyn Downie and Ronalda Murphy
Shooting Ourselves in the Foot: Why Mandatory Reporting of Gunshot Wounds is a Bad Idea, Jocelyn Downie and Merril Pauls
A Feminist Exploration of Issues around Assisted Death, Jocelyn Downie and Susan Sherwin
Feminist Health Care Ethics Consultation, Jocelyn Downie and Susan Sherwin
Emerging Academic Scientists' Exclusionary Encounters with Commercialization Law, Policy, and Practice, Matthew Herder
When Everyone is an Orphan: Against Adopting a US-Styled Orphan Drug Policy in Canada, Matthew Herder
Paediatric MRI Research Ethics: The Priority Issues, Nuala Kenny, Jocelyn Downie, Ryan D'Arcy, Jennifer Marshall, Matthias Schmidt, and Michael Hadskis
Problematic Principles: The CMA on Public/Private Health Care, Nuala Kenny, Jocelyn Downie, and Chantelle Rajotte
Submissions from 2012
Negotiating the Interface of Environmental and Economic Governance: Nova Scotia's Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act, Meinhard Doelle and William Lahey
Invasive Seaweed: Global and Regional Law and Policy Responses, Meinhard Doelle, Moira McConnell, and David VanderZwaag
Confusion Worse Confounded: A Comment on 'Withdrawl of Clinical Trials Policy by Canadian Research Institute is a 'Lost Opportunity for Increased Transparency', Jocelyn Downie and Francoise Baylis