Fair Representation and Conflict of Interest: Sexual Harassment Complaints between Co-Workers
Lori L. Park
Reemergence of the Charter Application Debate: Issues for the Supreme Court in Eldridge and Vriend
Richard Fader
Bearing the Burden of Unpaid Wages - Directors' Liability in the Context of Wage Protection
Rafik Bawa
Exclusionary Rules in Canada and the United States
Steven Leckie
Things Fall Apart? NAFTA after Quebec Secession
Adam Brebner
Needing Closure on Disclosure: The Application of R. v. Stinchcombe in Human Rights Proceedings
Vincent Kazmierski
Rights without Meaning - Failing to Give Effect to the Purpose of Section 15(1) of the Charter
Laura Fraser
Book Reviews
Sexual Orientation and Canadian Law: An Assessment of the Law Affecting Lesbian and Gay Persons
Michael Beggs
Science at the Bar: Law, Science and Technology in America
Heather C. Devine
Environmental Harm: Civil Actions and Compensation
Duaine W. Simms
Conflict of Interest in the Legal Profession
Doug Downey
Law in a Digital World
David Muddle