Kim Brooks
French Editor
Lucie Guibault
Board Members
The Dalhousie Law Journal is one of North America’s few faculty-run publications with an editorial board composed exclusively of full-time professors and professional librarians at the Schulich School of Law.
Jamie Baxter, Associate Professor of Law
Steve Coughlan, Professor of Law
Rob Currie, Professor of Law
Richard Devlin, Professor of Law
Maria Dugas, Assisant Professor of Law
Matthew Dylag, Assistant Professor of Law
Mark Lewis, Librarian
Constance MacIntosh, Professor of Law
Liam McHugh-Russell, Assistant Professor of Law
David Michels, Librarian
Hannah Rosborough, Librarian
Sara Ross, Assistant Professor of Law
Board Member Profiles
Student Editors 2023/2024
Chief Student Editor
Jaime Irvine
Student Editors
Christian Arseneau
Patricia Doiron
Amelia Eaton
Gavin Jolly
Lan Keenan
Charlie Mortimer
Liam Sherlock
Ana Speranza
Lynda Corkum