47:1 (2024) Special Issue: Thinking With and Against Pierre Schlag
Masthead, Table of Contents & Introduction
Genevieve Renard Painter and Liam McHugh-Russell
Humour, A Meditation
John Henry Schlegel
The Political Economy of Laughter and Outrage
Genevieve Renard Painter
Scholarship as Fun
Thomas Schultz
Law, Critique and the Believer's Experience
Jean d'Aspremont
Show and Tell
Liam McHugh-Russell
Un Ésprit Sérieux
Pierre Schlag
Informing the Debate on Lowering the Criminal Rate of Interest
Gail Henderson and Katlin Abrahamson
Why the Multilateral Investment Court is a Bad Idea for Africa
Akinwumi Ogunranti
Expanding Equality
Terry Skolnik
Searching for Justice: Moving Towards a Trans Inclusive Model of Access to Justice in Canada
Evan Vipond and Pierre Cloutier de Repentigny
Persistent Discord: The Adjudication of National Security Deportation Cases in Canada (2018–2020)
Simon Wallace
An Old Bottle for the New Wine: Understanding the Duty of Honest Performance under the Objective Theory
Humphrey Yuan Jheng
Special Contributions
Access to Justice in the Nova Scotia Small Claims Court 1980-2022
William H. Charles