Zoning, reform, planning, land allocation, development.
"Planning is not simply a matter of allocating land for various kinds of development. It is also concerned with the form of development and redevelopment, and with the quality of the physical environment that is produced. 'In the end what matters is not simply where development takes place: its form is equally important and the planning system will be judged by the quality of the results it produces." Although the above statement may be viewed by some to be a statement of the very obvious, and to be almost axiomatic in nature, such is not the case. A history of the early conceptions and development of planning will show that planners in early years did not adopt such an approach; furthermore an examination of the history of the operative sections of the Planning Acts of various Canadian Provinces will show that apparently the legislatures of the provinces have not until fairly recently seen fit to adopt this as a goal for planning.
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Recommended Citation
Stanley M. Makuch, “Zoning: Avenues of Reform” (1973-1974) 1:2 DLJ 293.