Jurisprudence, Karl Llewellyn, honest and thoughtful generalization
Jurisprudence means to me: any careful and sustained thinking about any phase of things legal, if the thinking seeks to reach beyond the practical solution of an immediate problem in hand. Jurisprudence thus includes any type at all of honest and thoughtful generalization in the field of the legal.' Alongside Roscoe Pound, Karl Llewellyn dominated the American jurisprudential stage for more than thirty years. Indeed, his diverse interests, broadly-based achievements and colorful personality compel the attention of any serious student of modern jurisprudence. Furthermore, the very profusion of roles played by Llewellyn render him one of the most remarkable legal scholars of the twentieth century: looking at the totality of his life's work one may readily discern the ardent young realist brandishing the flag of reform and extolling the virtues of science; the accomplished law-teacher dedicated to the transfer of basic legal skills and the enhancement of legal education in general; the incurable romantic and amateur poet; the tireless Chief Reporter for the Uniform Commercial Code; and, finally, the wise old sage giving "common sense advice" to the appellate practitioner.
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Recommended Citation
Simon N. Verdun-Jones, “The Jurisprudence of Karl Llewellyn” (1973-1974) 1:3 DLJ 441.