Carleton University, studying law, occupational utility of law, legal education
Law is offered as an undergraduate social science discipline at Carleton University. Students may take programs leading to both Major and Honours B.A. degrees in law or may also undertake the study of law in a combined Major or Honours program in conjunction with another discipline.' The purpose of the program is to promote an awareness of the place of rules respecting human conduct in political, social and economic environments and to provide insights of other disciplines relevant to particular legal problems. Carleton University is the only post secondary educational institution that offers the study of law in this form. One may ask, "Why take a B.A. in law?" This is an intriguing question. It is interesting not just because of the philosophical implications but because of the various ways one may interpret the question. Does the interrogator mean the perceived occupational utility of a B.A. in law, or rather the utility of the study of law as a social science discipline, or even the perceived preparation that such a program provides for further academic study? These questions are important because they identify a basis of common enquiry for students, employers, social scientists and even educationists. In order to provide answers to these questions, however, it is essential to have input from the people most affected by the program - the graduates.
Recommended Citation
R Lynn Campbell, "Survey of Carleton's Law Graduates" (1956) 10:1 Dal LJ 173.