University of Saskatchewan, Native Law Centre, Program of Legal Studies for Native People, native students, summer program
In the minds of many, the Native Law Centre is identified with the Program of Legal Studies for Native People, a prerequisite orientation program for native students admitted to law school in the discretionary category. The association of the two is inevitable since the Native Law Centre has its origins in the Program of Legal Studies for Native People and continues to offer the course each summer. However, the Centre provides other resources and conducts several activities other than the "summer program" (as the Program of Legal Studies for Native People is often called). This note will give a brief account of the Native Law Centre's growth out of the summer program, outline the Centre's activities including the summer program, and look at some of the activities planned for the Centre in the coming years.
Recommended Citation
Ruth Thompson, "The University of Saskatchewan Native Law Centre" (1988) 11:2 Dal LJ 712.