legal education, professional responsibility, law school, teaching
After eight years of teaching a three-credit course on The Legal Profession and Professional Responsibility to second- and third-year law students, I am left with a sense of great dissatisfaction with the whole enterprise. So deep is my dissatisfaction that I am questioning whether to continue or move into a different course instead. This paper is an opportunity to take stock of my experience and attempt to map out the causes of my dissatisfaction, and to seek some vision, if possible, of what the course should be about, how to teach it, and why I should bother. To give the conclusion away, I have in this process arrived at the point of renewed hope, even though many problems remain unresolved and many ideals remain to be actualized. The professional responsibility course may be the most problematic one I teach, but I also think it is the most important, and perhaps one day will even be the most personally fulfilling.
Recommended Citation
Alvin Esau, "Teaching Professional Responsibility in Law School" (1988) 11:2 Dal LJ 403.