Dalhousie Law Journal


Horace Read, legal education, reform, labour law, legislation, Dalhousie Law School


Mr. Dean, Mme Justice Wilson, Mrs. Read, other distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: May I say first of all that I am deeply honoured to have been invited to give the Horace E. Read Memorial Lecture for 1991, inaugurated in memory of the distinguished Dean of Dalhousie Law School who served in that capacity from 1950 to 1964. Dean Read's contribution to legal education and to legal scholarship in general was a massive one, encompassing as it did law reform, legislation and the legislative process, conflict of laws, labour law and legal education. Horace Read acquired an enviable international reputation and was renowned for his tireless efforts to maintain Dalhousie Law School's track record as a first rate academic institution. He followed the great tradition of Deans of Law at Dalhousie. His remarkable career is part of the reason that that tradition is so great.
