public housing, equality, rights, Dartmouth, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, discrimination, courts
In Dartmouth/HalifaxCounty Regional Housing Authority v. Sparks, courts in Nova Scotia are once again called upon to consider whether tenants in public housing are entitled to the same protection as private tenants. The Supreme Court Appeal Division decided in Bernard v. Dartmouth Housing Authority that shorter notice periods for public housing tenants were not objectionable, under either s. 7 or s. 15 of the Charter. The issue will now return to the Court of Appeal, but in the meantime the County Court has held that Bernard still sets the standard in Nova Scotia.
Recommended Citation
Stephen G. Coughlan, "Public Housing and Equality Rights - Dartmouth/Halifax County Regional Housing Authority v. Irma Sparks" (1992) 15:2 Dal LJ 648.