First Nations, aboriginals, indigenous, Canada, treaties, Indian Act, resources, social consequences
In The Rapids presents the views of the authors regarding First Nations people in Canada and the issues confronting them as individuals, within their nations, and within their communities. Mary Ellen Turpel and Ovide Mercredi are both First Nations Individuals. They share their own points of view and provide information with respect to these issues in their book. Throughout the book the authors share information by canvassing issues like the significance of Treaties to First Nations people; the provisions of the Indian Act and its effects on First Nations people; disputes over lands and resources; the social consequences of the larger Canadian society's systemic denigration of First Nations' cultures and languages; and socioeconomic marginalization of First Nations people and their communities.
Recommended Citation
Wendy Whitecloud, "A Note about In The Rapids" (1994) 17:2 Dal LJ 640.