Consumer protection, Consumer Law, Consumer Services Act, revolution, amendments, Consumer Services Bureau, functions.
While political observers were commenting upon the dullness of the 1975' spring session of the Legislature, something approaching a quiet revolution was taking place in Consumer Law. Changes were heralded in January 1975 when the amendments of late 19732 to the Consumer Services Act were proclaimed in force. The amendments expanded the functions of the Consumer Services Bureau and, most importantly, permitted for the first time the appointment of a minister of Cabinet rank to administer the Act. A few days before the Legislature met in March, Dr. Maynard McAskill was named to that position. The new minister wasted no time in acting. The first bill in the Assembly was introduced by him. In all, three consumer bills were passed during the sitting. In order of introduction they were Bill 1, the Collection Agencies Act,4Bill 36, 5 being amendments to the Consumer Protection Act, 6 and Bill 116, The Direct Sellers' Licensing and Regulation Act. 7 This note will comment on each in turn.
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Recommended Citation
Hugh M. Kindred, “New Consumer Legislation in Nova Scotia” (1975-1976) 2:3 DLJ 683.