International Royalty and Continental Shelf Limits: Emerging Issues for the
Canadian Offshore
Aldo Chircop and Bruce Marchand
Effective and Efficient Regulation in Nova Scotia
J Marshall Burgess
Effective and Efficient Regulation of the Offshore Oil Industry:
The 2001 White Rose Public Review Process
Peter O'Flaherty and Matthew Clarke
Newfoundland Generic Royalty Regime
Jack Thrasher
Provincial Entitlement to Gas Trunk Line Ownership - Enforceability and Constitutionality
Dufferin Harper
Liability for Marine Pollution from Offshore Operations
A William Moreira, Cecily Strickland, and David Henley
Statutory Liens in the Atlantic Canada Offshore Area
Robert Carmichael
Union Certification on Offshore Production Installations
Gregory Anthony
Walking the Centre Line: Balancing an Employee's Right to Privacy in Drug and
Alcohol Policies in the Atlantic Offshore Oil Industry
Harold Smith and Joseph Anthony
Key Issues in the New Regime of Occupational Health and Safety: The Right to Refuse
Work and Directors' and Officers' Liability
Jim Thistle, Matthew Clarke, and Joshua Martin