International criminal law, codification, international criminal court, draft statute
It has been suggested that the time may now be right to prepare a codification of international criminal law, either with or without a draft statute for an international criminal court. In fact, the Foundation for the Establishment of an International Criminal Court held its third Conference to this end in Bangladesh in December 1974. It must not, however, be overlooked that recent attempts by the International Civil Aviation Organization and the United Nations to establish a working enforcement procedure to deal with aerial hijacking and other forms of terrorism failed, largely because of opposition from the Arab countries and their sympathizers. There is, therefore, a danger that any formal proposal in this field may be regarded as an attempt to achieve by roundabout methods what could not be secured more directly. Nevertheless, it may be opportune at least to examine the background of this matter and some of the proposals that have been made, and to assess whether Canada, for example, might consider taking any initiative or active role to this end.
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Recommended Citation
L. C. Green, “An International Criminal Code – Now”, Comment, (1976-1977) 3:2 DLJ 560.