sentencing, restorative justice, environmental law, oil spill, Terra Nova FPSO, Newfoundland and Labrador, Petro-Canada, Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act, offshore, oil, gas
On 20 November 2004 the Terra Nova FPSO inadvertently discharged 165n3 of oily water into the surrounding waters of the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore area. Petro-Canada was charged with having caused a spill and thereby committing an offence pursuant to the Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act. This was the first charge of its type arising from offshore oil and gas operations on the east coast of Canada. The authors provide a factual overview of the incident and identify some resultant legal issues, including the application of creative sentencing and the use of probation orders.
Recommended Citation
Cecily Y. Strickland and Scott Miller, "Creative Sentencing, Restorative Justice and Environmental Law: Responding to the Terra Nova FPSO Oil Spill" (2007) 30:2 Dal LJ 547.