Consumer law, developments, federal legislation, provincial activity
Two years have passed since the previous comment on consumer law in this journal but surprisingly little provincial development has taken place. Consequently, this note will chiefly highlight the particular impact of changes in federal law for Nova Scotians. Provincial Activity In 1975 important additions were made to the Consumer Protection Act that were the subject of comment at the time.1 This impression of momentum created by the new department responsible for consumer affairs has disappointingly been lost. In the interim the minister has been raised to full cabinet rank and his responsibilities widened, but little reformatory legislation has been introduced. To his power to protect consumers in the marketplace was added an obligation to administer Nova Scotia's part in the fight against inflation. In the name of the same struggle a Rent Review Act was passed. The statute controls increases in rents on residential properties and subjects landlords to regulation by a newly established Rent Review Commission. Responsibility for the administration of this semi-autonomous agency also lies with the Minister for Consumer Affairs.
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Recommended Citation
Hugh M. Kindred, “Consumer Law Developments: A Note on the Impact of Recent Federal Legislation in Nova Scotia”, Comment, (1977-1978) 4:2 DLJ 383.